Jul 12

Enn og aftur var að klárast námskeið með Julio Borba og eins og alltaf, var það mjög fræðandi og skemmtilegt. Mig langar að birta nokkur orð til umhugsunar skrifuð af honum. Ég ætla ekki að þýða þessi orð heldur vil ég að þau njóti sin nákvæmlega eins og hann skrifaði þau.

Speaking about riding.

I think that there are 2 words that we need to speak about.

They are :

Ramener: The attitude of our horse. 

Rassembler: The TOTAL relaxation of all the top line.

For me FIRST of all I search for the Rassembler, only when I achieve it I'll start to think about the Ramener.
During the work, if because of certain exercises with a specific Ramener I loose the rassembler, I'll forget COMPLETELY the Ramener and only Focus and search for the lost Rassembler. 
Therefore some times my horse goes a little bit behind the vertical, Not because I look for it, but because I'm not engaging the hindquarters at the same time.
After achieving the rassembler, then I'll activate the hindquarters to achieve the Perfect Ramener for the exercise I want to perform.
Nose in front of the vertical, and the Hindhead of the horse being the highest point, must be offered by the hindquarters with a horse in perfect Rassembler.

Julio Borba

Importante o Julio Rockelsta affisch

Julio Borba og Importante