Aug 17

Álffinnur is 10 years old now and is located in Sweden, owned by Alfakungen AB. The pictures below were taken when he received his 1.price for  offsprings. Álffinnur is a son of Álfadís frá Selfossi and Orri frá Þúfu.

I had a look at his offsprings in WorldFengur and their results after the season. There are now registered 30 breeding evaluated offsprings, 21 of them have got 8,00 and higher. Nine got under 8 down to 7,68 which is the lowest score.

At the moment Álffinnurs Blup is 123. It will be exciting to see the outcome of the coming calculations. At the moment Álffinnur í registered with only 129 off springs.

Thank you Svenja Neu for this nice picture of Álffinnur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum, taken at the last Landsmót in Holar 2016.
