Price for Álfaklettur is 180.000 Isk, for other stallions the price is 130.000 Isk. Fee for insemination is 65.000 Isk. Sonar fee is included for mares in insemination, in other cases a bill will be sent from the vet for the sonar work. Stroke sample from a mare is 12.000 Isk. taken in case of suspicion of uterine inflammation or other complications.
The care fee for up to 25 days is 30,000 ISK, if they stay much shorter it's 1,500 ISK per day and after 25 days the price is 750 ISK per day.
VAT is 24% and is added to all prices.
Álfaklettur will be at Syðri-Gegnishólar for the insemination from may 20th until 1st. of ágúst.
Álfaklettur will be doing live coverage from 1st. of august, then the fee for insemination and caretaking will stop but a fee for field and sonar comes instead.
Prices shown are without VAT.
Mares coming in do not need to be examined before arrival, they should be without shoes, with well trimmed hooves. It is better to bring the mare when she is close to her fertile period. Mares can stay at Syðri-Gegnishólar during the process until they have been soned pregnant.
The mares are treated as our own, they get worm treatment on arrival. No responcibility is taken for injuries of mare or foal during their stay with us but some cost may result from it. In case of major incident, the owner is contacted.
F.y.i. there were no incidents last year and no injuries but some of the foals were ill when they arrived or got ill during their stay with us, f.eks. some of them had diarrhoea.
To ensure a space for your mare you must pay a confirmation fee of €350 into account 0152-26-200204 ID number 520905-2510,
IBAN = IS55 0152 2620 0204 5209 0525 10.
Note that this fee is not refundable but can be forwarded to another customer within the same season/year.