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  • Elin og Frami 2016
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Jun 14

Now that all qualifications for Landsmót are over, we can see that the honorary prized mares have delivered most. Álfadís has 5 offsprings going to LM, Gandálfur in A-flokk, and in breeding shows there are Álffinnur in the group of stallions 7 years and older, Álfhildur in mares 6 years old, Álfarinn in stallions 6 years old and Álfastjarna in the group of 4 years old mares.
Ljónslöpp has 4 offsprings, two in young riders class, Sprengja and Simbi and in breeding shows there are Katla in the group of 6 years old mares and Snekkja in the group of 5 years old mares.
Framkvæmd has the most diversity, her son Frami is both qualified for breeding shows an B-flokk and her daughter Minning is qualified for 250m pace. 

 This is of course the way we want to have it, that our mares breed offsprings that will not only do good in breeding shows but also in competitions.
Simbi, the son of Ljónslöpp has done good in competition with his owner, Berglind Rós. I also had him in the masters class, A-finals in T2 this winter. After that we lent him to a friend, Elvar Einarsson, who won the T2 in the same league in the north.
Tjörvi, another son of Ljónslöpp won the stallions show at a popular ice-competition in the south of Iceland and then he was in second place in A-flokk at FM'07.
 Ljóni, yet another son of Ljónslöpp, has been doing good now in Denmark with his new rider and two times world champion, Tania Höjvang Jenssen.
Hlébarði recently won fivegait in Switzerland with his owner and rider Mara Staubli with a good score.
Sprengja is the highest one for Sleipnir, in young riders, rider Brynja Amble Gísladóttir. Last year I also won T3 at Suðurlandsmót (South-Iceland Championship).
Katla has many times won tölt at Sleipnir's wintercup, as to winning a young horse competition with Elin Holst as a rider, but Katla is only six years old.

Álfadís's offsprings are not as practised in competitions, but Álfadís is also three years younger than Ljónslöpp. Álfur was in A-finals in B-flokk at LM'12, Gandálfur has been doing fine in competitions in the north and is now qualified for Landsmót in A-flokk with his new rider Ísólfur Líndal. Álfhildur first competed this winter in the Master class, despite the young age the won gæðingafimi (free-style riding) and got 7.50 in preliminaries in her first T1 competion.

Framkvæmd has given us Staðreynd, a good pace-mare competing some years ago, Flugnir who has more than once received an award in pace test in the Masters class but is now suffering from injuries, Minning has many times been awarded in pace test in the Masters class, recently won pace test at a WR competition in Sleipnir and now qualified for Landsmót in 250m pace. Last but not least there is Frami, 7 years old, many times won tölt at the Sleipnir winter cup, recently won fourgait at a WR competition at Sleipnir and is the highest into Landsmót in B-flokk with 8.83. Rider is the owner Elin Holst. Bergur borrowed him in the Master class two times past winter, second place in T2 and 8th place in Gæðingafimi (Free-style).

B27Y4356 ks.b Olil-Alfhildur-8

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