Former breedingmares
Picture of old Mugga from Kleifar, in this pictuer she is 26 years old and with foal. With her on the picture are Olil Amble's children which Mugga has provided with
ridinghorses and competition horses. Freyja owns Muggur son of Gáski frá Hofstöðum and they won Landsmót two times.
Steinar has Dugur son of Kolfinnur, they have f.eks. been in the finals at Fákaflug.
Brynja has Naggur son of Stigandi which is her riding horse, they have not yet been in competitions.
Highest judgement: Fjórðungsmót at Kaldármelar - 1988
Conformation | Score | Riding abilities | Score |
M1:145 M5:162 M10:27 M11:17,5 | |||
Head | 7.0 | Tolt | 8.5 |
Neck/shoulders | 7.5 | Trot | 8.0 |
Back and croup | 8.0 | Pace | 5.0 |
Proportions | 7.0 | Canter | 7.5 |
Feet | 7.5 | Temperament/willingness | 8.0 |
Straightness of legs | 7.5 | Form under rider | 7.5 |
Hooves | 8.0 | Walk | na |
Mane and tail | na | Slow tempo tolt | na |
Slow tempo canter | na | ||
Conformation | 7.49 | Riding abilities | 7.63 |
Total score | 7.56 |
Offsprings | Ts. | Sire |
IS2008287662 - Maríon frá Syðri-Gegnishólum | 8.02 | IS2004176173 – Ljóni frá Ketillstöðum |
IS2007287661 - Mugga frá Syðri-Gegnishólum | 8.18 | IS2004176173 – Ljóni frá Ketillstöðum |
IS2004187662 - Gjörvi frá Selfossi | IS1999176181 - Tjörvi frá Ketilsstöðum | |
IS2003187660 - Skuggi frá Selfossi | IS1997188861 - Flengur frá Böðmóðsstöðum 2 | |
IS2002187660 - Moli frá Selfossi | IS1995186691 - Suðri frá Holtsmúla 1 | |
IS2001187662 - Vaskur frá Selfossi | IS1996184553 - Nagli frá Þúfu | |
IS2000187660 - Naggur frá Selfossi | IS1984151101 - Stígandi frá Sauðárkróki | |
IS1999187660 - Andvari frá Selfossi | IS1990188176 - Hrynjandi frá Hrepphólum | |
IS1998187660 - Hreggur frá Selfossi | IS1992136588 - Skírnir frá Skjólbrekku | |
IS1997136510 - Magni frá Stangarholti | IS1981187020 - Kolfinnur frá Kjarnholtum I | |
IS1995236510 - Nn frá Stangarholti | IS1989187620 - Austri frá Austurkoti | |
IS1994136512 - Dugur frá Stangarholti | IS1981187020 - Kolfinnur frá Kjarnholtum I | |
IS1993236512 - Muska frá Stangarholti | 7.78 | IS1988165170 - Frami frá Bakka |
IS1991136515 - Muggur frá Stangarholti | IS1973135980 - Gáski frá Hofsstöðum | |
IS1989236512 - Lygna frá Stangarholti | 7.86 | IS1984187003 - Dagur frá Kjarnholtum I |
From left: Muggur from Stangarholt, Mugga's son, he is a double winner at Landsmót and many times an Icelandic chanpion, rider Freyja Amble Gisladóttir. Naggur from Selfoss, also Mugga's son, rider Gry Hagelund and his brother from same mother on the right Magni from Stangarholt, rider Nils Christian Larsen.
Dugur and Steinar Amble Gíslason, Andvari and Mia Möller, Naggur and Alina, Skuggi and Seline