• Ketilsstaðir
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Jón Bergsson
    Jón Bergsson
  • Julio Borba
    Julio Borba
  • Berglind and Brynja
    Berglind and Brynja
  • Kira and Brynja
    Kira and Brynja
  • Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
    Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
    Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Friends
  • Freyja and Elin
    Freyja and Elin
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
    Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Wintertime
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Jóhannes Stefánsson
    Jóhannes Stefánsson
  • Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
    Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
  • Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
    Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
    Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Álfadís
  • Mothercare
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
    Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
  • Sólrún
  • Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
    Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
  • Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Elin og Frami 2016
    Elin og Frami 2016
  • Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Hátign and Drift
    Hátign and Drift
  • Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Brynja and Berglind
    Brynja and Berglind
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  • Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
    Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
  • Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
    Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Birthday present
    Birthday present
  • Beauty in the mist
    Beauty in the mist
  • Katla og Bergur
    Katla og Bergur
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
  • Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
    Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Breeders of the year 2012
    Breeders of the year 2012
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
    Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • The queen :) Katla
    The queen :) Katla
  • Kira and Kraflar
    Kira and Kraflar
  • Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
    Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
  • Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
    Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
  • Karen Rós
    Karen Rós
  • Olil and Heilladís
    Olil and Heilladís
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Álfasteinn and Hetta
    Álfasteinn and Hetta
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
Jun 18

Ljósálfur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum is a 4 years old son of Álfadís frá Selfossi and Lord frá Vatnsleysa. He was presented in his first breeding assessment last week and received 8,07 as a total score and qualified for Landsmót. Ljósálfur í clearly 5 gated but pace has not been tried or trained yet.

{gallery}Alfgrimur 4 vetra a LM 2018{/gallery}

Jun 18

Eight horses from our breed are qualified for Landsmót 2018. The horse in the pictures below is Gígur frá Ketilsstöðum a 4 years old 4 gater. His total score in his first assessment was 8,18. Dam is Ör frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Sveinn-Hervar frá Þúfu í Landeyjum.

{gallery}kynbotahross a LM 2018{/gallery}

Jun 18

Bergur and Sædís were in second place in 250 m. pace yesterday, this it their first time in 250 m after taking part in 150 m several times. Here is a video of the final heat, won by one of the very best pace horses in Iceland, Kjarkur frá Árbæjarhjáleigu and Konráð Valur Sveinsson, in third place was Lukka frá Árbæjarhjáleigu ridden by Hekla Katarina Kristinsdóttir.

Jun 18

Mildrid Musdalslien and Fálmar frá Ketilsstöðum won the 4 gate 4.1 in rhe Hrimnir competition last weekend. They received 7,20 in strong company. Fálmar is a great horse and we are happy that we have his full sister our breed. Dam is Þerna fra Ketilsstöðum and sire is Sveinn-Hervar frá Þúfu í Landeyjum. Congratulations and a big hug to Mildrid and her trainer Gry Hagelund that worked with us for some years and brought Mildrid here to buy Fálmar

Jun 18

This is Hugrökk frá Ketilsstöðum,7 years old. She was breeding evaluated when she was 4 years old and got total score of 8,18. Since then she has had two foals.This winter she has been trained again and is slowly getting back in shape. Total score was 8,27 included 8,5 for tölt and slow tölt, trot, pace and expression and 9,0 for spirit. It will be exiting to see how she developes, we think she has a great talent :) :)
Dam is Djörfung and sire is Natan frá Ketilsstöðum.

{gallery}Hugrokk og Elin 2018{/gallery}

Jun 18

A total happiness, Álfadís had a mare foal this morning, sire is Stáli frá Kjarri. Surrounded by her mother Álfadís, big sister Álfhildur and Katla that also wanted to be in the picture, the little one has some role models.

{gallery}Alfadis filly 2018{/gallery}

May 18

Daily work goes on between breeding shows, here is one of our pace horses Sædis frá Ketilsstöðum working.
Dam is Ör frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Gustur frá Hóli.

May 18

Here are some pictures taken yesterday of this great young mare, Hugmynd frá Ketilsstöðum in her breeding assessment. her total score was 8,52 only 5 years old. She received 9,0 for tölt, slow tölt, canter and 9,5 for spirit. In total she received 8,78 for ridden abilities
{gallery}Hugmynd mai 2018{/gallery}

May 18

Here are some pictures of Álfaklettur frá Syðri- Gegnishólum in his breeding assessment yesterday. He scored 8,65 for confirmation, 9,0 for head, back and croup and 9,5 for propotions. He scored 8,41 for ridden abilities, 8,5 för tölt and slow tölt, pace and expression and 9,0 for spirit.
Total score is 8,51 and second try is on Friday. We received this videó á Álfaklettur in his breeding assesment today.

{gallery}Alfaklettur 2018{/gallery}

May 18

This great 1 price 4 gated mare is for sale. In her first year of competition she has great results, these pictures are taken at Sleipnir World Ranking where ske took part in the A finales in 4 gate. This winter she was in the A finales in T2, tölt with loose rains in the Masters League. Dam is Glódís frá Stóra-Sandfelli 2 and sire is Sveinn-Hervar frá Þúfu.

{gallery}Herdis WR Sleipnir 2018{/gallery}

May 18

These are the first pictures taken of Ljósálfur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum a 4 year old son of Álfadís frá Selfossi and Lord frá Vatnsleysu. This spring has been a specially bad in regards to weather but we used the opportunity when the sun was shining few days ago.

{gallery}Ljosalfur fra Sydri Gegnisholum{/gallery}

May 18

Student frá Ketilsstöðum was in the second place in 5-gate F1 at Sleipnir World Ranking last weekend. He scored 6,93 and had the first place in preliminaries and 7,14 and second place in the finales. Dam is Orka frá Gautavík and sire is Álffinnur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum. Rider is Bergur Jónsson.

{gallery}Student fra Ketilsstodum WR Sleipnir 2018{/gallery}

May 18

Brynja Amble Gísladóttir riding Goði frá Ketilsstöðum won the 4 gate V2 with 6,93 and was in third place in T4 with 6,42, tölt with loose rains at Sleipnir World Ranking last weekend. Dam is Vænting frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Álffinnur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum.

{gallery}Brynja og Godi WR mot Sleipnis 2018{/gallery}

May 18

Happy winners of 4 gate V.2 and V.1, Brynja riding Goði and Elin Frami frá Ketilsstöðum. Bergur insisted on being in the picture too since he is the breeder of both horses.

{gallery}Happy team{/gallery}

May 18

Exiting day today, many finales to ride at Sleipnir World Ranking in Selfoss.

{gallery}WR Sleipnir 2018 Finals{/gallery}

May 18

Finally a high score for Elin and Frami in T1 at World Ranking in Selfoss this weekend. With 8,00 she is in the lead in tölt T1. Frami is a great tölter so we have been waiting for this, so far they have had their best results in 4 gate and T2.
They are also in the lead in 4 gate with 7,57. The finales are tomorrow since there is a storm today

{gallery}Elin and Frami got eight{/gallery}

May 18

Finally Sædís frá Ketilsstöðum had good results in 150 m pace, I must admit that we have been waaaaiiiiting for this day, she got 14,80 and second place in 150 m. pace in the World Ranking tournament in Selfoss. The horse in 1. place got 14,77 so she was very close. She also got 5th place in 100 m. pace 8,28. The two ones that normally behaves and do well in pace test did not have their day, the siblings Flugnir and Minning frá Ketilsstöðum.

{gallery}Saedis pace race WR Sleipnir 2018{/gallery}

May 18

It made me happy when I got this picture yesterday, it's of Meginn frá Ketilsstöðum that we sold to Gunter Weber in Germany when he was 4 years old. Now he is owned by Lisa Sachs and Kirsten Höhn.
He has been ridden and trained by Lisa Drath and Lisa Sachs. Meginn is 7 years old now and starting to do good in competitions. Sire is Dugur frá Þúfu and dam is Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum so Katla's half brother and a little bit more, Orri frá Þúfu behind both fathers. We have two offsprings of Meginn, a 2 years old stallion, dam is Álfhildur frá Syðri-gegnishólum and a 2 years old mare, dam is Draumadís frá Selfossi.

 {gallery}Meginn fra Ketilsstodum{/gallery}

May 18

We are very happy that Álfarinn is finally on the competition track after an injury last season, he is fit again. In his second competition in 5 gate he was in the finales 5th place, in a very strong company. 6,97-7,13.

{gallery}Alfarinn fra Sydri Gegnisholum{/gallery}

May 18

Elin Holst riding Frami frá Ketilsstöðum had good results on the Reykjavík Mastership, 1st place in 4 gate combination, 3rd place in tölt and 5th place in 4 gate, this looks very good for the coming summer season.

{gallery}Elin Frami Reykjavikurmeistaramot 2018{/gallery}

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