• Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Jóhannes Stefánsson
    Jóhannes Stefánsson
  • Brynja and Berglind
    Brynja and Berglind
  • The queen :) Katla
    The queen :) Katla
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Heilladís
    Olil and Heilladís
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
    Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
    Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
    Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
  • Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
    Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Sólrún
  • Hátign and Drift
    Hátign and Drift
  • Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
    Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Berglind and Brynja
    Berglind and Brynja
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Jón Bergsson
    Jón Bergsson
  • Birthday present
    Birthday present
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
    Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
    Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
    Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfadís
  • Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
    Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
  • Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Freyja and Elin
    Freyja and Elin
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Kira and Kraflar
    Kira and Kraflar
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
    Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
    Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Friends
  • Mothercare
  • Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
    Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Wintertime
  • Katla og Bergur
    Katla og Bergur
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
    Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
  • Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
    Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Kira and Brynja
    Kira and Brynja
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Breeders of the year 2012
    Breeders of the year 2012
  • Álfasteinn and Hetta
    Álfasteinn and Hetta
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Elin og Frami 2016
    Elin og Frami 2016
  • Karen Rós
    Karen Rós
  • Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Julio Borba
    Julio Borba
  • Beauty in the mist
    Beauty in the mist
May 18

This is how it is to be born 1st of May in Iceland 2018, in beautiful Icelandic summer weather. The second picture is taken today 9'th of May. Dam is Heilladís frá Selfossi 8, 32, 5 years old and Álfadís oldest daughter and sire is Konsert frá Hofi 8,72

{gallery}Heilladis foal 2018{/gallery}

May 18

We are very happy with our Katla saddle from Hilbar Germany that is a result of cooperation between us here in Gangmyllan and Júlio Borba.
Now we are working on another saddle with Júlio Borba that we are very excited about In some weeks we will have a few more Katla saddles for sale, but the first saddles sold out in a few weeks.

{gallery}Gangmyllan Katla saddle{/gallery}

May 18

Just finished a great clinic with Júlio Borba, it was a pleasure as always.

{gallery}Borba clinic may 2018{/gallery}

Apr 18

Well, as we are starting to see the green grass in Iceland it’s summer in other places of Europe. This picture is of Urban Muller riding Kolfinnur frá Ketilsstöðum, Natans full brother.Dam is Vænting frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Kolfinnur frá Kjarnholtum. Kolfinnur lives his life as a pleasure horse at Reithof Neckertal in Switzerland.

{gallery}Kolfinnur fra Ketilsstodum{/gallery}

Apr 18

Just had to share this picture, must be good when she is so happy! Heidi Benson riding Strokkur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum, dam is Grýla frá Stangarholti and sire is Orri frá Þúfu í Landeyjum.
Fun in the California sun!

{gallery}strokkur i kaliforniu{/gallery}

Apr 18

There is more to do than just riding, at Gangmyllan

{gallery}much to do at gangmyllan{/gallery}

Apr 18

Great results for the girls on the third and last winter competition, Brynja and Ayla won the wintercup, open class and young adults. In the open class tölt, Brynja and Rauðka ended in second place and Elin riding Hugrökk in sixth place. Ásdís riding Koltinna won the young adults and Ayla riding Fróði was in second place.

{gallery}Vetrarleikar 2018{/gallery}

Mar 18

Good results for the girls on Sunday , Ayla riding Fróði won young adults and Ásdís riding Salka on the seventh place. Elin and Hugrökk, was on the second place in tölt open class, Brynja and Rauðka on the third place and Sara riding Heidrun on the 8 place.

{gallery}Vetrarleikar aftur{/gallery}

Mar 18

We are proud and happy that Júlio Borba was willing to compete in Gæðingafimi in Meistaradeild last night.
I think it is clear that he went far out of his comfort zone and is very brave to have done that.
Júlio did a great job and we think and hope that he showed everyone watching a nice picture of the future. 

Borba's show in the preliminaries with a short interview at the end.

Interview with the team after the competition, missing team members are Elvar Einarsson and Ævar Örn Guðjónsson.


Mar 18

The girls did good in the first match of the Winter cup in our local riding club Sleipnir. The tournament was last weekend and they competed in tölt open class. Brynja won, Elin was in second place and Sara was in third place.

Ayla competed in young adults class, she got second place and Ásdís Ósk got fifth place in the same class. 


Feb 18

The results of the 4 gate for Gangmyllan team in the Masters League 2018.

Elin and Frami on a shared 3rd place, but got 4th place, Olil and Goði on the 13th place and Bergur and Glampi in 22nd place. Our team Gangmyllan is 4th place after the first competition.

Feb 18

The Masters League starts with four gait on February 1st.

The video below is from last year's winners in 4 gait, Bergur Jónsson riding Katla frá Ketilsstöðum.

Jan 18

Last two horses to be sold 2017 and first two to leave 2018. This two great horses left us today, Seyðir frá Syðri-Gegnishólum and Karitas frá Ketilsstöðum. We wish them all the best and are looking forward to follow them in the future.


Dec 17


Dec 17

Just have to publish this picture, it tells more than words. Strokkur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum with Heidi Benson in California.


Dec 17

The riding hall at Syðri-Gegnishólar is now ready for a new year.


Dec 17

Álffinnur in Stockholm International Horse Show at Friends Arena last Saturday night ♥️


Dec 17

Here is a picture of almost all the riders participating in the Tölt show at the Friends Arena in Sweden last week. Everyone is dressed up as a volcano. Vignir Jónasson is missing from the picture but his outfit is there.


Dec 17

This week Bergur and me rode in Sweden International Horse Show. We took part in the International Team competition, Bergur riding Ómi frá Úlfljótsvatni in 4 gate to the third place an I rode Álffinnur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum in 5 gate witch we won. In the team competition we got the third place witch was won by Denmark, Sweden got second place and Germany was in forth place.

It was really great and funny to take part in this competition, well arranged, great competitors, super track and fabulous audience. 
Thank you, here are some pictures on the Sweden international horse show site.

Nov 17

Shoeing the three year olds for the first time, it started up really well but needed a bit more support in the end. They learn quick but patience is maybe not their strongest skill.


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For Sale

Hilbar Katla saddle

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