• Ketilsstaðir
  • Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfgrímur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfasteinn and Hetta
    Álfasteinn and Hetta
  • Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
    Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Friends
  • Wintertime
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Álfadís
  • Mothercare
  • Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ægir frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
    Christina the owner and Olil the breeder
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
    Berglind and Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Brynja and Vakar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Syðri Gegnishólar
    Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
    Sunset at Syðri Gegnishólar
  • Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Brynja and Berglind
    Brynja and Berglind
  • Sólrún
  • Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Spes and Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfur frá Selfossi
    Álfur frá Selfossi
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Gramur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Heilladís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Katla og Bergur
    Katla og Bergur
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Birthday present
    Birthday present
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Beauty in the mist
    Beauty in the mist
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Kraflar frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Jóhannes Stefánsson
    Jóhannes Stefánsson
  • Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
    Tígur, son of Ljónslöpp and Álffinnur born 2010
  • Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Elin and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Karen Rós
    Karen Rós
  • Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Sandra and Sirkus frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
    Álfadís and Álfaklettur 2013
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
    Olil and Védís frá Hellubæ
  • The queen :) Katla
    The queen :) Katla
  • Julio Borba
    Julio Borba
  • Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Lokkur frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Hugur frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Olil and Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Kira and Kraflar
    Kira and Kraflar
  • Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Bergur and Aðaldís frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
    Natan frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Breeders of the year 2010
    Breeders of the year 2010
  • Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
    Bergur and Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
    Bergur and Lilja Dís LM 2011
  • Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
    Karen Rós, Álfadís and Olil
  • Hátign and Drift
    Hátign and Drift
  • Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
    Freyja and Gormur frá Selfossi
  • Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Olil and Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
    Ófeig, Grábrá and Christina
  • Breeders of the year 2012
    Breeders of the year 2012
  • Jón Bergsson
    Jón Bergsson
  • Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
    Djörfung frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
    Haukur and Hetta frá Ketilsstöðum
  • Elin og Frami 2016
    Elin og Frami 2016
  • Kira and Brynja
    Kira and Brynja
  • Olil and Heilladís
    Olil and Heilladís
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Jónatan frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
    Dennis and Álfasteinn frá Selfossi
  • Berglind and Brynja
    Berglind and Brynja
  • Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
    Brynja and Vakar in Piaff
  • Freyja and Elin
    Freyja and Elin
  • Borba Clinic
    Borba Clinic
  • Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
    Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum born 2010
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Freyja and Muggur
    Freyja and Muggur
  • Álfadís mare of honor 2013
    Álfadís mare of honor 2013
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Olil
    Bergur and Olil
  • Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Spurning frá Syðri Gegnishólum
  • Ketilsstaðir
  • Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
    Bergur and Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  • Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
    Offsprings of Álfur at Landsmót 2012
  • Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
    Álfadís, Grýla and Heilladís
  • Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
    Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum
Feb 17

Two years since our advertisement with a picture of Bergur and Katla were put on the wall in the riding hall of Sprettur. Tonight Bergur and Katla won the Gæðingafimi discipline in the masters league helt in the same ridinghall.



Feb 17

First winter competition of the year in our club Sleipnir was helt yesterday, it was a tölt competition and in the open class Brynja was the winner. She was riding Goði frá Ketilsstöðum 7 years old, dam is Vænting frá Ketilsstöðum and sire Álfinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum. Freyja was in third place riding Bylgja frá Ketilsstöðum 11 years old, dam is vakning frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Álfasteinn frá Selfossi.



Feb 17

Here are some pictures taken last thursday night at the first disciplin in the Masters League 2017. We had great results for our team,  Gangmyllan. All three horses got into the A finals. Elin and Frami won, Bergur and Katla got second place and Freyja and Álfastjarna got the fifth place.

Not to forget that we won the award given to team with best results in 4 gate.

{gallery}Meistaradeidlin 9.feb.2017{/gallery}


Jan 17

This great and promising young stallion left us a couple of days ago, he is now in his new home at Reithof Neckertal with his new owner's Sandra and Roger Scherrer. His total score in breeding is 8,38 from last spring when he was five years old. Dam is Vænting frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Álfur frá Selfossi. His new rider is his owner Sandra Scherrer and we hope for good results in competitions in the future.

{gallery}Stefnir 19. januar 2017{/gallery}

Dec 16

This is Gormur from Selfoss, our first offspring of Sveinn-Hervar frá Þúfu. Gormur lives now in Gotland Sweden and is owned and trained by Sara Lundberg, who has worked here at Gangmyllan for few years. Gormur is 16 years old now and in good shape. He was breeding evaluated at 6 years old as a gelding with total score of 8,22, 9,0 for trot,spirit and expression and 8,5 for the rest except pace. 8 years old he was in the B group finals at Landsmót. This horse I bred before Sveinn-Hervar received his 1 price breeding evaluation. Since then he has given us a lot of great 4 gaters as for example Framtið, Frami, Spes, Fálmar and Gormur's full brother Gramur. We still breed with this great stallion, next year we are expecting two of his offsprings from the sisters Álfadís and Aðaldís.

{gallery}Gormur from Selfoss{/gallery}

Dec 16

While organizing some old photos I found those two good ones. They were taken at Landsmót 1990 in Vindheimamelar where me and Bergur go into the A finals with the exact same score, 8,70.

In the finals, Bergur and Hugmynd frá Ketilsstöðum did better with the sixth place while me and Sörli from Skjólbrekka ended in seventh place.

26 years have passed since then... 

{gallery}Gamlar myndir 5.des 2016{/gallery}

Dec 16

Huldumær frá Syðri Gegnishólum was the forth highest judged 4 years old mare in Iceland 2016. She got 8,01 for confirmation and 8,48 for ridden abilities, with 9,0 for tölt, spirit and expression and 9,5 for walk. Dam is Álfadís frá Selfossi and sire is Sær frá Bakkakoti.
This years she is expecting a foal with Frami frá Ketilsstöðum and the it is the plan to bring her back to training again 

{gallery}Huldumaer 10.jan 2017{/gallery}

Nov 16

Álffinnur and Olil were competing for Iceland on the Sweden international horse show this year. They got second place and the title "best five gaiter". It was just as nice as we had hoped. Thank you so much for inviting Olil to ride and compete Álffinnur for Iceland, on Sweden international horse show.

With the highest score from one of the three judges and a 9 for pace I'm more than happy. this was a perfect end of the competition year 2016, Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar.

 {gallery}Sweden international horse show- novermber 2016{/gallery}

Nov 16

Now that this breeding evaluation season has come to an end, it’s fun to look at the results.
This year 18 horses from our breed were breeding evaluated with good results. 17 of them 1st prized and one below. Exactly half of them were shown as four gaiters, with 5.0 for pace. It’s fun to mention that nine of these eighteen horses have both mothers and fathers bred by us.
16 were evaluated in Iceland and 2 in Germany. 9 of those who were shown in Iceland qualified for Landsmót, but we decided to show 7 of them there.
These 7 horses were shown at Landsmót and 4 of them were in the top 10 of their class. Álfarinn received 8.63 and the 7th place in the class of 7 years and older stallions, Álfastjarna received 8.43 and the 8th place in the class of 6 years old mares, Álfgrímur received 8.46 and the 6th place in the class of 5 years old stallions and Huldumær received 8.29 and the 4th place in the class of 4 years old mares.
We showed four 4 years old mares this year and all of them got 1st prize which we believe is very good.
It’s also worth mentioning the outstanding success of Álfadís frá Selfossi that achieved having offsprings in all 4 age groups in breeding classes at Landsmót. All of them were in top 10 in their class and two of them four gaited. Her son Álffinnur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum also received 1st prize for offspring and the second place at Landsmót.
Another thing that was very special is that 24% of horses in breeding classes qualified for Landsmót could be traced to Álfadís, only 16 years ago she herself was a star at Landsmót in Reykjavík four years old.
Her son Álfarinn frá Syðri-Gegnishólum was our highest judged horse this year and started off well as a breeding stallion when his oldest and only offspring born in 2012, Lygna received 8.02 in total 4 years old.
The average of our 18 horses for conformation is 8.21, for ridden abilities 8.30 and 8.27 in total. The average age is 5.5 years and 17 of 18 1st prized.

These are the evaluation results this year:

Álfarinn frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 7 years old 8,65
Katla frá Ketilsstöðum 8 years old 8,52
Stúdent frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years old 8,47
Álfgrímur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 5 years old 8,46
Álfastjarna frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 6 years old 8,43
Fákur frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years old 8,41
Stefnir frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years old 8,38
Huldumær frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 4 years old 8,29
Tígur frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years old 8,23
Goði frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years old 8,23
Glampi frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years old 8,22
Pegasus frá Ketilsstöðum 7 years old 8,15
Meginn frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years old 8,11
Framsýn frá Ketilsstöðum 4 years old 8,10
Spurning frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 4 years old 8,08
Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years old 8,04
Lygna frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 4 years old 8,02
Heillastjarna frá Syðri-Gegnishólum 5 years old 7,98

{gallery}Breeding evaluation 2016{/gallery}

Jul 12

Now I am going to continue writing about the horses we showed in Landsmót and the first one I want to present for you is Mugga frá Syðri Gegnishólum. She recieved 8,18 in total score. 7,93 for confirmation, 8,35 for riding abilities and the 10th place in the 5 years old group of mares. The mother of Mugga is Mugga frá Kleifum who was the daughter og Lygna frá Kleifum and Hnokki frá Steðja. Lygna was a 4 gaited mare with 8,02 in total score and her father was Logi frá Kletti. Hnokki frá Steðja was 5 gaited with 7,88 as a total score, with 8,5 for pace and 8,07 for riding abilities.

Mugga frá Kleifum got 15 offsprings and the last one when she was 26 years old and Mugga is her next last offspring. By the age of 24 she had thirteen offsprings and hadn't had a foal in two years so we thought this was it. She was in Ketilsaðir at our farm in the east, where we raise our horses and we wanted her to stay there in her ritirement. Once we were there I saw Ljóni and I got the idea that she could spend her time there as well, one year later she had a foal that was given the name Mugga because we thought she would get white as her mother later and that she would be her last foal, both turned out to be wrong. Old Mugga has 7,56 as a total score abd 102 in blup and younger Mugga is her first offspring to recive a 1 price. This does not sound good, but her two daugthers that are in breed have boath been giving lots of first price horses, and old Mugga´s descendants are Landsmóts,Icelandic and Norwegian champions.

Yonger Mugga's father is Ljóni frá Ketilsstöðum that has 8,47 as a total score and Mugga is his oldest and first offspring to take part in a breeding judgement. Ljóni's father is Álfasteinn frá Selfossi who had 8,56 as a total score, and fulfilled the conditions for 1st prize og honor for offsprings at only 10 years old. Álfasteins mother is Álfadís frá Selfossi with 8,31 as a total score at four years old and 1st prize of honor for offsprings, his father is Keilir frá Miðsitju with a totalscore of 8,63 and 1st prize of honor for offsprings.


 Mugga is now to be bred with Glóðafeyki frá Halakoti.

Landsmót 2012 436 MuggaLandsmót 2012 458 3 MuggaLandsmót 2012 458 7 MuggaLandsmót 2012 458 Mugga LM12 3 Mugga LM12 4 Mugga LM12 7 Mugga LM12 11 Mugga LM12 26 Mugga LM12 27 Mugga LM12 17

Mugga from Syðri Gegnishólar  Pictures : Gangmyllan



Sep 15

This year we reached our goal when Álffinnur's offsprings convinced us that they were as quick, strong and promising as we thought. Our goal was to show 15 of his offsprings in evaluation, by that reaching the standards for 1st prize for offsprings at only eight years of age. 15 offsprings have been shown, two last year and thirteen new ones this year.
 One of the two shown horses last year, Vinátta, was evaluated again this year and with higher marks so there is only one valid judgment from last year that belongs to Goði frá Ketilsstöðum. Goði received 8.08 in total, including 9 for tölt and spirit.

 Three of his offsprings have been shown twice this summer, first Stúdent frá Ketilsstöðum. He is five years old and received 8.36 in total, then shown again at fjórðungsmót Stekkhólma receiving the same score and was the highest judged stallion at the show. 
The other two horses are Bjóla frá Ketilsstöðum and Ari frá Efri-Gegnishólum. Bjóla is 4 years old and started off with 7.91 and raised her score up to 7.99. Ari is 5 years old and was shown as a four gaiter at first and got 7.82 after a rather unsuccessful show. We kept on training, found the pace and showed him again receiving 8.18 where everything fell into place.

 In these 15 highest judgments are 7 five years old judgments and 8 four years old. His lowest four years old offspring is Ásbrá with 7.82 who was shown as a four gaiter this time, with 9 for slow tölt and 8,5 for tölt, spirit and form under rider.

Four of his offsprings were shown as four gaiters, five of them got from 5,5 to 6,5 for pace and six of them got from 7,5 to 8,5.

The offsprings' average score for confirmation is  8,13

                                               For ridden abilities    8,01

                                     And in average total of       8,06

Their mothers are all kinds of mares. From honorary prize mares to mares with a low judgment and mares that were never shown and have delivered little to nothing. Even though the mothers are not alike, the offsprings that we know have alot in common. They have been quick, positive, willing with good movements. The will is excelent, brave, energetic and relaxed. Their best gaites by nature are tölt and walk.

Álffinnur is a son of Orri frá Þúfu and Álfadís frá Selfossi, third of four full siblings that have all gotten good judgments at the age of four. At that age Álfur frá Selfossi got 8.26(8.06 the first time), Álffinnur got 8.24(8.04), Álfhildur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum got 8.14(7.98) and Álfgrímur got 8.11. But their highest judgments are Álfur 8,46, Álfhildur 8,52, Álffinnur 8,37 and Álfgrímur is 4 years old and has only been shown once. But the plan is to show him again next year.

Álffinnur's oldest full sibling, Álfur frá Selfossi received 1st prize for offsprings at 9 years old and honorary prize at 10 so Álffinnur's success in breeding is not a surprice to us. It's exactly what we expected because his bloodlines/pedigree have become so safe.

One of our goals in breeding is to breed horses that start of in advantage, that is to say they are mentally and  physically stronger as 4 year-old. Our way to that goal is to focus on using mainly stallions and mares that show off early, preferably 4 years old and not older than 5, because it says so much about their natural abilities. That kind of horses don't perform well without being strong by nature, most importantly strong torso, back and croup and that they are positive and enthusiastic.

I think most of us have the same goal for when they are older and more mature, simply that they at some point become great, e.g. become winners in a competition at 8-10 years old.

What we wonder about Álffinnur is wether or not this is a world record. As far as we know he is the youngest stallion to receive 1st prize for offsprings, 8 years old. At least compared to the new rules about this prize, but has it happened before compared to the old rules?

Here are all of his shown offsprings, from highest judged to lowest:

Stúdent frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,36. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,17 og  hæfileika 8,49 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt,brokk stökk, fegurð í reið,fet og hægt tölt og 9,0 fyrir vilja. Vínátta frá Hellubæ 5 vetra  8, 29 í aðaleinkunn. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,18 og hæfileika 8,35, Þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, stökk, vilji, fegurð í reið, fet og 8,0 fyrir brokk og skeið. Fákur frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,25. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,41 og hæfileika 8,15 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, vilja, fegurð í reið og 8,0 skeið og hægt tölt. Finnur frá Ármóti 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,21. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,68 og hæfileika 7,90 þ.a 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk og hægt tölt og 8,5 fyrir vilja og fet. Fyrir skeið fékk hann 7,5. Ari frá Efri Gegnishólum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn er 8,18. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,04 og hæfileika 8,28 Þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, stökk, vilji fegurð í reið, fet og 8,0 fyrir brokk hægt tölt og stökk. Fyrir skeið fékk hann 7,5. Arna frá Ármóti 4 vetra. Aðaleinkunn er 8,13. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,38 og hæfileika 8,0 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt,vilja, fegurð í reið, hægt tölt og 8,0 fyrir brokk og stökk.  Tigur frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,10. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,39 og hæfileika 7,90 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt,vilji fegurð í reið, fet og 8,0 fyrir brokk, stökk og hægt tölt. Goði frá Ketilsstöðum 4 vetra 2014, aðaleinkunn 8,08. Fyris sköpulag fékk hann 8,02 og hæfileika 8,12 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt og vilja og 8,5 fyrir brokk, stökk, fegurð í reið og fet. Glampi frá Ketilsstöðum 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,02. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,18 og hæfileika 7,91 þ.a 9,0 fyrir fet og 8,5 fyrir tölt, brokk, vilji og fegurð í reið og hægt tölt. Bjóla frá Ketilsstöðum 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 7,99. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,18 og 7,86 fyrir hæfileika þ.a 8,5 fyrir vilja og 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk, fegurð í reið og hægt tölt. Tesla frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra aðaleinkunn 7, 97. Sköpulag 7,80 og hæfileikar 8,08 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt, brokk, fegurð í reið og hægt tölt og 8,5 fyrir vilja. Skirnir frá Kverná 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 7,95.  Sköpulag 7,78, fyrir hæfileika fékk hann 8,08, þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, vilja og fet og 8,0 fyri brokk og fegurð í reið. Bjarmi frá Bæ 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 7,90. Sköpulag 8,28 og hæfileika 7,65 þ.a 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk, vili og fegurð í reið. Ásbrá frá Ketilsstöðum 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 7,81. Sköpulag 7,85 og hæfileikar 7,78 þ.a 9,0 fyrir hægt tölt og 8,5 fyrir tölt, vilji fegurð í reið fet. Hörn frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinunn 7,68. Sköpulag 7,76 og hæfileika 7,62, þ.a 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk, vilji, fegurð í reið og hægt tölt.

Apr 15

I found this nice picture of Alina and Seline from Swiss, with Júlíana frá Ketilsstöðum. They are wearing their jackets with our logo. The picture is taken last summer. Júlíana is owned by Alina and is in Swiss now. Dam is Júlía frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Natan frá Ketilsstöðum.


Jan 15

2014 has in many ways been a great year for us, both in breedingshows and in competitions, much of what we wanted to do, our aims worked out. And I think that so far this is our best year on the breeding track. We showed 18 horses and 17 of them recieved 1. price, and half of the horsses, 9, were 4 gaters. Many of the horses got great judgements, and 9 of the showed horses got from 10,0 to 9,0 for tölt.The average score for all the horses was 8,7 for tölt. 8,4 for trot, 8,9 for spirit and 8,6 for form under rider. The average score for the 9 horses who showed pace was 8,0, but only one of our horses, Jörmuni, recieved 9,0 for pace.

Álfhildur 6 years old, got 10,0 for tölt, and three of our mares got 9,5 for slow tölt, Álfhildur and Katla 6 years old and Álfastjarna 4 years old. Frami 7 and Katla 6 years old got 9,0 for slow tölt. Eight of our horses recieved 9,0 for tölt, Álffinnur and Frami 7 years old , Katla 6, Tíbrá, Snekkja and Bóla 5 and Álfastjarna and Goði 4 years old.

Álfhildur 6 got 10,0 for spirit and her little sister Álfastjarna 4 years old got 9,5. Eight horses gor 9,0 for spirit, Álffinnur og Frami 7, Katla and Sylgja 6, Tíbrá og Bóla 5 and Goði 4 years old.

Álfhildur got 9,5 for form under rider and Frami 7,Katla and Sylgja 6, Álfarinn and Tíbrá 5 and Álfastjarna 4 years old got 9,0.

Two of our horses recieved 9,5 for walk, Frami 7 and Álfastjarna 4 years old. Jörmuni got 9,0. Three horses got 9,0 for canter, Katla and Sylgja 6 and Álfarinn 5 years old.

 Álffinnur got a good start as a breedinghorse, he is only 7 years old and two of his oldest offsprings Vinátta and Goði only four years old, got 1. price. With some great notes for gates, Goði got 9,0 fot tölt and spirit and Vinátta got 8,5 for tölt, 9,0 for canter and 9,5 for walk.

Our first price of honor mares did great as well, Álfadís had five offsprings and Ljónslöpp four offsprings participating at Landsmót, both in competitions and breeding classes.

At Landsmót three of our breedenghorses were in the top ten, Álfildur won the class of six years old mares with 8,52. Snekkja was in the forth place in the group og five years old mares and Álfastjarna was in the seventh position in the group of four years old mares.

 We also had our best year in competitions, horses from our breed managed to be eight times in the top 10 in the masters league(Meistaradeildin). We are very proud of that, the league is very tough and some of the best riders and horses came to compete.

Álfhildur won Gæðingafimi(freestyle) with the highest score given, Fálmar got second place in V1 fourgate and Frami was second in T2, tölt on loose ranes.

Simbi won T2 in the masters league of north Iceland with Elvar Einarsson as a rider.

Elin won the adult class at Sleipnir's wintercup by winning all three competitions in tölt, riding Katla and Frami.

At the open World Ranking competition held by Sleipnir, Bergur won pacetest riding Minning, Elin won V1 riding Frami, I was in second place in T1 riding Sprengja, Bergur in second place in F1 fivegate riding Strokkur and Brynja in second place in young adults class in fourgate riding Spes.

Elin and Frami won Sleipnir's qualification for Landsmót in B flokkur with a great score, therefor leaving the Landsmót winner in second place, even tho things didn't really work out at Landsmót it looked very promising.
Brynja won young adults and both qualifications riding Sprengja at the same competition.

At Landsmót we had two representatives in finals, Brynja and Sprengja went straight to A finals in young adults class and got the fifth place and Ísólfur Líndal rode B finals on Gandálfur frá Selfossi in A flokkur.

At the Icelandic championship Elin and Frami came in third in V1 fourgate.

Suðurlandsmót(South Iceland competition) also went well, three wins. Two in masters class, Fálmar won V1 and Frami won T2. Sylgja the won opend class V1 in her first competition.

Our breed has also done well this year in other countries, Mara Staubli won F1 and came in third in T2 at the Swiss Campionship along with second place in F1 and B-finals in T2 at the Mid-European championship.

Our goals in 2014 were to get higher breeding show judgments and make our horses visible on the competition tracks, we are proud to say that we stood by our goals. As for next year we plan to do the same and better. By that I mean getting an even higher percentage of our horses to breeding shows and competitions.

 Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum 6 vetra, undan Álfadísi frá Selfossi og Orra frá Þúfu. Aðaleinkunn 8, 52. Snekkja frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, undan Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum og Alvari frá Syðri Gegnishólum. Aðaleinkunn 8,42. Álfastjarna frá Syðri Gegnishólum 4 vetra undan Álfadísi frá Selfossi og Dug frá Þúfu. Aðaleinkunn 8,23. Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum byrjaði vel sem kýnbótahestur er tvö afkvæmi hans úr elsta árgangi fengu 1. verðlaun aðeins 4 vetra gömul. Móðir hans er Álfadís frá Selfossi og faðir hans er Orri frá Þúfu. Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum 6 vetra sigraði m.a gæðingafimina 7,78/8,77 í Meistaradeildinni. Móðir er Álfadís frá Selfossi og faðir er Orri frá Þúfu.Frami frá Ketilsstöðum 6 vetra, varð annar í T2 slaktaumatölti í Meistaradeildinni 8,43/8,54. Móðir hans er Framkvæmd frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir hans er Sveinn Hervar frá Þúfu.  Fálmar frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra varð í annað sæti í 4 gangi meistaradeildarinnar 7,30/ 7,97. Móðir er Þerna frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir er Sveinn Hervar frá Þúfu. Simbi frá Ketilsstöðum 13 vetra sigraði m.a slaktaumatölti í KS deildinni 6,87/7,50//,83, knapi var Elvar Einarsson. Móðir hans er Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir hans er Kjarkur frá Ebilsstaðabæ.  Minning frá Ketilsstöðum sigraði Gæðingaskeiði á opna WR móti Sleipnis 7,54. Minning er undan Framkvæmd frá Ketilsstöðum og Gusti frá Hólí. thumb Frami Elin á pallinn á Íslandsmótinu, en hún og Frami enduðu í þriðja sæti í 4 gangi 7,30/7,57.  Sprengja frá Ketilsstöðum og Brynja urðu í 5 sæti 8,62 í ungmennaflokki á Landsmótinu. Móðir hennar er Ljónslöpp frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir er Gígjar frá Auðsholtshjáleigu. Gandálfur frá Selfoossi 10 vetra og Ísólfur Lindal Þórisson riðu í B úrslit í A flokki á Landsmótinu, í millilriðlinum fékk hann 8,52. Gandálfur er undan Álfadísi frá Selfossi of Gusti frá Hóli. Fálmar frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra, sigraði m.a 4 gang meistaraflokk á Suðurlandsmótinu 7,47/7,57. Móðir hans er Þerna frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir hans er Sveinn Hervar frá Þúfu. Sylgja frá Ketilsstöðum sigraði opna flokkinn í 4 gangi á Suðurlandsmótinu 6,97/7,33. Móðir hennar er Spes frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir er Natan frá Ketilsstöðum. Frami frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra, sigraði T2 slaktaumatöltið meistaraflokk á Suðurlandsmótinu 7,30/7,92. Móðir hans er Framkvæmd frá Ketilsstöðum og faðir er Sveinn Hervar frá Þúfu. Mara Staubli og Hlébarði frá Ketilsstöðum, m.a svissneskir meistarar í 5 gangi 6,87/7,36.

Sep 14
When all the breedindshows are finished this year, it's time to look back and see how the results are for our breed, Ketilsstaðir/Syðri Gegnishólar 2014.This year we brought 18 horses out of our breed, to the breedingjudgements to get breeding evaluations. All of them exept one got first price, total score over 8,0.
14 of these horses were judged in Iceland and 4 in Germany, of the horses shown in Iceland 9 qualified for Landsmót and 7 of those where shown again there. 3 of these horses reached top ten on Landsmót. Álfhildur had a totalscore of 8.52 and won the group of six years old mares, Snekkja got a totalscore of 8,41 and the fourth place in the group of 5 years old mares and Álfastjarna got a totalscore of 8,23 and the seventh place in the group of four years old mares.
Of the horses shown in Germany two of them reached the marks for to get qualified for Landsmót, but over all these four horses got a similar judgement to what they already had in Iceland before.
In the fall we showed two horses again, we were not satisfied with the results they had this year so far, for many reasons. They both were much better and raised theire marks a lot.
We only showed two four years old horses this year, far away from our expectations. That should teach us once and for all to not talk about what we think about the 4 years old horses, with them things change very quickly and it is not possible to see in the front how far they can go that year. 
These are the horses shown from our breed this year:
Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum 6 years 8,52
Snekkja frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years  8,42
Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum 5 years 8,40
Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum 7 years 8,37
Frami frá Ketilsstöðum 7 years 8,35
Katla frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years 8,33
Jörmuni frá syðri Gegnishólum 6 years 8,32
Tibrá frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years 8,25
Álfastjarna frá Syðri Gegnishólum 4 years 8,23
Hvellhetta frá Ketilsstöðum 7 years 8,20
Fróði frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years 8,15
Drift frá Ketilsstöðum  8 years 8,15
Bóla frá Syðri Gegnishólum 5 years 8,10
Goði frá Ketilsstöðum 4 years 8,08
Grábrók frá Syðri Gegnishólum 5 years 8,07
Sylgja frá Ketilsstöðum 6 years 8,05
Júliana frá Ketilsstöðum 5 years 8,04
Synd frá Ketilsstöðum 7 years 7,90
The average score of these 18 horses is 8,22 and the average age is 5,7 years. 17 of 18 horses are over 8,0, that means that 94,4% of our breed this year is 1st price.To tell for fun, 11 of this horses are out from both mares and stallions bred by us. That is not at all the aim, only a fact.

Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum, aðaleinkunn 8,52 og efsta sætið í flokki 6 vetra hryssna á LM2014. Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum, 6 vetra. Sköpulag 8,28, hæfileika 8,68 þ.a 10 0 fyrir tölt og vilja og 9,5 fyrir hægt tölt og fegurð í reið. 9,0 fyrir brokk og stökk, aðaleinkunn 8,52. Snekkja frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,41. Hun varð í fjórða sæti í flokki fimm vetra hryssna á LM 2014. Snekkja frá Ketilsstöðum, hún hlaut 8,42 í aðaleinkunn í sinn hæðsta dóm. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,38 og hæfileika 8,44 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt og 8,5 fyrir vilja, fegurð í reið og hægt tölt. Álfarinn frá Syðri Gegnishólum, aðaleinkunn 8,40. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,09 og hæfileika 8,60 þ.a 9,0 fyrir vilja, fegurð í reið og hægt stökk og 8,5 fyrir brokk tölt stökk, fet og hægt tölt. Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum 7 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,37. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 7,96 og hæfileika 8,63 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt og vilja og 8,5 fyrir brokk, skeið, stökk og fegurð í reið. Frami frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,35. Hann fékk fyrir sköpulag 8,32 og hæfileika 8,37 þ.a 9,5 fyrir fet og 9,0 fyrir tölt, brokk, stökk, fegurð í reið, vilja og hægt tölt. Katla frá Ketilsstöðum 6 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,33. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 8,08 og hæfileika 8,49 þ.a 9,5 fyrir hægt tölt og 9,0 fyrir tölt, brokk, fegurð í reið og vilja. Jörmuni frá Syðri Gegnishólum 6 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,32. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,34 og hæfileika 8, 31 þ.a 9,0 fyrir skeið og fet og 8,5 fyrir vilja. Tíbrá frá Ketilsstöðum f vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,25. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 8,28 og hæfileika 8,24 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt ,brokk, stökk, fegurð í reið, vilja og hægt tölt. Álfastjarna frá Syðri Gegnishólum 4 vetra, í sjöunda sætið í flokki fjögurra vetra hryssna á LM 2014,aðaleinkunn 8,23. Álfastjarna frá Syðri Gegnishólum 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,23. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 8,09 og hæfileika 8,32 þ.a 9,5 fyrir fet,. vilja og hægt tölt og 9,0 fyrir tölt, brokk, stökk og fegurð í reið. Hvellhetta frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,20. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,39 og hæfileika 8,07 þ.a 8,5 fyrir skeið, stökk og vilja og 8,0 fyrir tölt . fegurð í reið. hægt tölt og hægt stökk. Fróði frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,15. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,09 og hæfileika 8,19 þ.a 8,5 fyrir brokk, skeið og vilja og 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk, fegurð í reið og hægt tölt. Drift frá Ketilsstöðum 8 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,15. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 7, 96 og hæfileika 8, 27 þ.a 8,5 fyrir brokk, skeið, vilji og fegurð í reið og 8,0 fyrir tölt, stökk, hægt tölt og hægt stökk. Bóla frá Syðri Gegnishólum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,10. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hún 8,07 og hæfileka 8,11 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt og vilja og 8,5 fyri brokk, fegurð í reið, hægt tölt og hægt stökk. Goði frá Ketilsstöðum 4 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,08. Fyrir sköpulag fékk hann 8,02 og hæfileika 8,11 þ.a 9,0 fyrir tölt og vilja og 8,5 fyrir brokk stökk, fet og fegurð í reið. Grabrók frá Syðri Gegnishólum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,07. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 8,06 og hæfileika 8,o8 þ.a 8,5 fyrir vilja og 8,0 fyrir tölt, brokk, skeið, stökk, fet og fegurð í reið. Sylgja frá Ketilsstöðum 6 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,05. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 7,94 og hæfileika 8,11 þ.a 9,0 fyrir stökk, fegurð í reið, vilja og hægt stökk og 8,5 fyrir tölt,brokk, fet og hægt tölt. Júlíana frá Ketilsstöðum 5 vetra, aðaleinkunn 8,04. Hún fékk fyri sköpulag 7, 72 og hæfileika 8,25 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, vilja og fegurð í reið og 8,0 fyrir brokk, skeið, stökk, hægt tölt og hægt stökk. Synd frá Ketilsstöðum 7 vetra, aðaleinkunn 7,90. Hún fékk fyrir sköpulag 7,96 og hæfileika 7,85 þ.a 8,5 fyrir tölt, brokk, stökk, fegurð í reið, vilja, hægt tölt og hægt stökk.

Sep 14

Síðasta keppni sumarsins fyrir okkur, kom í beinu framhaldi af síðssumssýningunni, en þarsíðsta föstudag var síðasti dagur síðssumarssýningarinnar og jafnframt fyrsti dagur suðurlandsmóts. Ég byrjaði á því að fara með Fálmar í tölt og miðað við að þetta hafi verið hans fyrsta töltkeppni var ég bara mjög ánægð með 7,23 í aðaleinkunn og sæti í B-úrslitum í meistaraflokki. Fór svo með Álffinn í fimmgang þó svo að hann hafi verið langt frá sínu besta og uppskar einkunnina 6,53 sem var þokkalegt miðað við aðstæður, en hann er langt frá því að vera í sportgírnum eftir kynbótasýningar sumarsins. En nú erum við að minnsta kosti komin með punkta til að taka þátt í meistaraflokki þegar lágmarkseinkunn þarf til. Einnig tók ég þátt í fjórgangi í opnum flokki á Sylgju frá Ketilsstöðum, en hún er bara 6 vetra gömul og var að taka þátt í sinni fyrstu keppni, forkeppni 6,97, úrslit 7,33 og 1.sætið, flott byrjun það. Síðan reið ég á Fálmari í fjórgangi meistaraflokki, forkeppni 7,47, úrslit 7,57 og 1.sætið, til gamans má geta að Fálmar og Spes móðir Sylgju eru alsystkini undan Þernu frá Ketilsstöðum og Sveini Hervari frá Þúfu. Elin ákvað að riða Frama bara í T2 að þessu sinni eftir frábært gengi á Íslandsmóti, þar sem hún og Frami enduðu í 3.sæti í fjórgangi. Enda Frami ungur, aðeins 7 vetra gamall og þegar búinn að keppa mikið á þessu ári. Mjúkur endir á keppnisárinu hjá Elinu og Frama, enda slakataumatöltið mjög svo hestvæn keppni, þau stóðu sig með prýði, forkeppni 7,30 úrslit 7,92 og 1.sætið. Okkur finnst að takmarkið okkar fyrir þetta ár hafi tekist, en það er að gera okkar ræktun meira sýnilega á keppnisvellinum.

IMG 6526  IMG 5818  IMG 6590

Aug 14

When the last breeding shows of the summer are over we can't be anything but happy. We showed two horses, Sylgja and Goði, that were already shown this summer, they did better and both received 1st prize. Sylgja's dam is Spes frá Ketilsstöðum and sire is Natan frá Ketilsstöðum, she received 8.05 in total, including 9 for gallop, willingness, form under rider and canter. This makes Sylgja the 10th of 10 shown offsprings of Natan this year to get a 1.prize judgement. Not a bad year for Natan, but terrible that we lost him so young. Sylgja's mother Spes has 8.20 in total, four gaited mare with 9 for most things except for canter and gallop, that she has 9.5 for. Sylgja is her first and oldest offspring and also the first to get a judgement.

We are also very happy that Goði, 4 years old, that was shown in a moment of optimism past spring, received 7.71 in total and bettered his score a lot and now received 8.08 in total, including 9 for tölt and willingness. Goði is a very promising fourgaiter, good looking, great temperment, hard working with good looking movements. Sire is Álffinnur frá Syðri Gegnishólum. Good start for Álffinnur, 2 shown four years old offsprings this summer, both shown as fourgaiters and both have 1st prize, they are from Álffinnurs first class of offsprings.

Goði and Natan actually have the same mother, Vænting frá Ketilsstöðum. Vænting's dam is Hugmynd frá Ketilsstöðum, who has almost only bred horses with pace, great pace. Most of them have from 8,5 and up to two 10's for pace and Vænting her self has 8,5 for that part. Even though Álffinnur has a lot of pace, he of course has two full siblings shown as fourgaiters, Álfhildur and Álfur, and that might be the explanation.

IMG 5839 IMG 5897

Jul 14

Our mare Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum received 8,68 for ridden abilities at Landsmót a few weeks ago, followed by that a discussion started about whether or not this was a record for a four gated horse. Shorty after, it turned out that some of our most famous 4-gaters were quite higher. Then I started thinking that it would be fun to look at their judgements to see where they were so extremely high, 4-gaters with 8,70-80 for ridden abilities. When I started looking I didn't really think that they were higher although the total score for talent said so. After thinking about it for a while I found out that it was of course the value change, that we think happened in 2010. That effects alot the judgements of 4 gated horses, eg. pace was of less value before than it is now.

These were the values before 2010        These are the values now(2010-present)  

Tölt 15%                                                        Tölt 15%
Trot 7,5%                                                       Trot 7,5%
Pace 9%                                                        Pace 10%
Gallop 4,5%                                                  Gallop 4,5%
Willingness 12,5%                                      Willingness 9%
Form under rider 10%                                 Form under rider 10%
Walk 1,5%                                                     Walk 4%

For fun I decided to recalculate the judgments of some known horses and compare them equally, so everyone has the old value and the one that is in use now. 
 The horses below are chosen by me, the ones I remember to have a good judgment, all 4-gated. I have probably forgotten some good horses that could have been on this list but this is only done to see how big the effects of the value changes are, whether is for the better or worse. I have no special opinion in what value to use but I still think the right thing to do when talking about a record in ridden abilities is to compare judgments that have the same values.

Eldjárn frá Tjaldhólum                   Current judgment: Conformation 8,09   Ridden abilities 8,85  Total 8,55    With current values: Conformation 8,09 Ridden abilities 8,69  Total 8,45 
6 years old (2006) 

Hekla frá Heiði                                Current judgment: Conformation 8,02   Ridden abilities 8,78  Total 8,48    With current values: Conformation 8,02 Ridden abilities 8,53  Total 8,33 
6 years old (2002) 

Hnota frá Garðabæ                        Current judgment: Conformation 8,14   Ridden abilities 8,80  Total 8,54    With current values: Conformation 8,14 Ridden abilities 8,68  Total 8,47 
12 years old (2007) 

Álfur frá Selfossi                               Current judgment: Conformation 8,11  Ridden abilities 8,69  Total 8,46    With current values: Conformation 8,11 Ridden abilities 8,55  Total 8,38 
6 years old (2008) 

List frá Vakurstöðum                       Current judgment: Conformation 8,05  Ridden abilities 8,69  Total 8,44    With current values: Conformation 8,05 Ridden abilities 8,55  Total 8,35 
8 years old (2006)

Fura frá Hellu                                     With old values:   Conformation 8,46  Ridden abilities 8,73  Total 8,62      Current judgment: Conformation 8,46 Ridden abilities 8,58  Total 8,53
6 years old (2013) 

Kappi frá Kommu                            With old values:  Conformation  8,51   Ridden abilities  8,62   Total 8,58        Current judgment:  Conformation  8,51 Ridden abilities  8,51   Total 8,51
6 years old (2010)

Hreyfill frá Vorsabæ II                    With old values:  Conformation  8,50   Ridden abilities  8,68   Total 8,61        Current judgment:  Conformation  8,50 Ridden abilities  8,56   Total 8,54
6 years old (2014)

Sökkull frá Dalbæ                            With old values:  Conformation  8,07  Ridden abilities  8,74   Total  8,47        Current judgment:  Conformation  8,07 Ridden abilities  8,58   Total 8,38  
5 years old (2014) 

Álfhildur frá Syðri Gegnishólum   With old values:  Conformation  8,28   Ridden abilities  8,89   Total 8,65     Current judgment:  Conformation  8,28 Ridden abilities  8,68   Total 8,52
6 years old (2014)

Those calculations are right according to our understanding, maby there are errors even if we checked throuh it twice.

Jul 14

Now that Landsmót 2014 is over we have to say that over all it went very well for us although we would have wanted better results for our stallions. But as we've said before, 14 horses from our stable were participating. Brynja and Sprengja did very well and ended in 5th place in young adults, Berglind and Simbi were really close to the top 30. Same with Elin and Frami, they were 0,01 under the limit. Minning and Bergur improved their time in 250m pace, 23,11 and the 7th place.

Álfhildur was the first from us to be shown in breeding shows, she did VERY well and received 10 for tölt and improved her total score from 8,38 to 8,48. In second try she was far from finished and got a second 10, this time for willingness. The total score went from 8,48 to 8,52 and the 1st place in the class of 6 years old mares. I think it's safe to say that this was a little above expectations.
Katla came to Landsmót with the total score of 8,21, improved her score to 8,33  but that wasn't enough to reach the top 10 in the same class. Her sister Snekkja came to Landsmót with the total score of 8,42, her judgement changed alot and the total score went to 8,41 and the 4th place in the class of 5 years old mares.
Tíbrá improved her marks, came to Landsmót with 8,19 and finished with 8,25, a five years old four-gaited mare with 9 for almost everything.
Hamingja frá Hellubæ got the total score of 8,54 wich is a world record in the class of 4 years old mares and the 1st place at Landsmót. I showed Þula frá Hellubæ, Hamingja's mother, at LM'02. Þula got 8,26 in totoal, including 9 for tölt wich was very good for a 4 year-old at that time and the second place after Samba frá Miðsitju.
Vinátta frá Hellubæ got 7,98 wich is a little bit lower than she came into Landsmót with.
Álfastjarna, also in the class of 4 years old mares, came into Landsmót with 8,16 and ended in the 7th place with 8,23. She received 9,5 for slow tölt, walk, willingness and 9,0 for tölt, gallop and form under rider, not bad for a 4 year old.

Firmakeppni 14 6 Álfhildur á LM14 Elka Snekkja IMG 3596 IMG 5068-002 IMG 5229 IMG 5116 IMG 5064 IMG 5059

Jun 14

Now that all qualifications for Landsmót are over, we can see that the honorary prized mares have delivered most. Álfadís has 5 offsprings going to LM, Gandálfur in A-flokk, and in breeding shows there are Álffinnur in the group of stallions 7 years and older, Álfhildur in mares 6 years old, Álfarinn in stallions 6 years old and Álfastjarna in the group of 4 years old mares.
Ljónslöpp has 4 offsprings, two in young riders class, Sprengja and Simbi and in breeding shows there are Katla in the group of 6 years old mares and Snekkja in the group of 5 years old mares.
Framkvæmd has the most diversity, her son Frami is both qualified for breeding shows an B-flokk and her daughter Minning is qualified for 250m pace. 

 This is of course the way we want to have it, that our mares breed offsprings that will not only do good in breeding shows but also in competitions.
Simbi, the son of Ljónslöpp has done good in competition with his owner, Berglind Rós. I also had him in the masters class, A-finals in T2 this winter. After that we lent him to a friend, Elvar Einarsson, who won the T2 in the same league in the north.
Tjörvi, another son of Ljónslöpp won the stallions show at a popular ice-competition in the south of Iceland and then he was in second place in A-flokk at FM'07.
 Ljóni, yet another son of Ljónslöpp, has been doing good now in Denmark with his new rider and two times world champion, Tania Höjvang Jenssen.
Hlébarði recently won fivegait in Switzerland with his owner and rider Mara Staubli with a good score.
Sprengja is the highest one for Sleipnir, in young riders, rider Brynja Amble Gísladóttir. Last year I also won T3 at Suðurlandsmót (South-Iceland Championship).
Katla has many times won tölt at Sleipnir's wintercup, as to winning a young horse competition with Elin Holst as a rider, but Katla is only six years old.

Álfadís's offsprings are not as practised in competitions, but Álfadís is also three years younger than Ljónslöpp. Álfur was in A-finals in B-flokk at LM'12, Gandálfur has been doing fine in competitions in the north and is now qualified for Landsmót in A-flokk with his new rider Ísólfur Líndal. Álfhildur first competed this winter in the Master class, despite the young age the won gæðingafimi (free-style riding) and got 7.50 in preliminaries in her first T1 competion.

Framkvæmd has given us Staðreynd, a good pace-mare competing some years ago, Flugnir who has more than once received an award in pace test in the Masters class but is now suffering from injuries, Minning has many times been awarded in pace test in the Masters class, recently won pace test at a WR competition in Sleipnir and now qualified for Landsmót in 250m pace. Last but not least there is Frami, 7 years old, many times won tölt at the Sleipnir winter cup, recently won fourgait at a WR competition at Sleipnir and is the highest into Landsmót in B-flokk with 8.83. Rider is the owner Elin Holst. Bergur borrowed him in the Master class two times past winter, second place in T2 and 8th place in Gæðingafimi (Free-style).

B27Y4356 ks.b Olil-Alfhildur-8

Jun 14

15 horses from our stable have qualified for Landsmót 2014, 12 from our breed and 3 that have been here for training.
Minning will compete in 250m pace, siblings Simbi and Sprengja in young rider-class, Frami qualified for both breedingshows and B-flock but is only going to participate in B-flock. Álffinnur in the class of stallions 7 years old and over, Jörmuni in 6 years old stallions, Álfhildur and Katla in 6 years old mares, Álfarinn in 5 years old stallions, Snekkja and Tíbrá in 5 years old mares and finally Álfastjarna in 4 years old mares.
The ones who are not from our breed are Hamingja, Vinátta and Þröstur. Hamingja and Vinátta are from Hellubær, they are both 4 years old. Vinátta is Álffinnur's first 1st prize offspring, shown as a fourgaiter with very promising ratings. Hamingja is the second highest 4 years old mare in Iceland as it is, she is after Aðall frá Nýjabæ and is very promising. The third is Þröstur, after Natan frá Ketilsstöðum and he is in the 6 years old stallions class.
Hamingja and Vinátta are after Þula and Vaka who were in second and 4th place at Landsmót 2002 and 2004.

B27Y4634 Simbi og Berglind Kynbótasyning Selfossi mai11 350 3 Firmakeppni 14 6 Álffinnur forskoðun 2 Frami LM14 Þröstur forskoðun 1 Jörmuni forskoðun 3 Álfhildur forskoðun 3 Katla forskoðun 1 IMG 0352-001 Snekkja Tíbrá forskoðun 3 IMG 3596 IMG 3317-001 IMG 3489

Myndir: Gangmyllan

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